This blog covers all SAP Unix commands to Bounce SAP systems and clean memory:
SAP System Bounce Sequence with all commands on Unix:
Batch Job Hold |
To hold critical batch jobs and check active jobs before bringing down application |
Shutdown System |
stopsap all(stop sap system) |
Kill remaing processes |
ps –ef|grep sidadm ( check if any process is running) |
kill -9 PID (kill the process) |
Clean Memory |
cleanipc <systen no>remove (clean shared memory) |
for ex:- |
cleanipc 00 remove |
cleanipc 01 remove |
ipcs|grep sidadm ( to check if shared memory still exists if entries found) clean as below |
ipcrm –s pid –m pid –m pid –m pid –s pid (clean the remaining shared memory) |
ipcs|grep adm (should return Blank) |
Start SAP |
startsap all |
SAP Validation including Database connectivity once system is up R3trans –d (to check database connectivity) |
Release Batch Jobs: |
Once SAP is up,Ask batch team to release batch jobs |
To bring down system Manually:
stopsap r3 D00 (D00 Instance no, it can also be D01, D10 etc, we need to check this from cdpro –>ll )
To bring up system Manually:
startsap r3 D00
Stopping & Starting Up the Oracle Database System :
sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
sql>shutdown immediate