How to Import Transport From os level
Importing transport from OS level is 2 command process,First add transport to the buffer and then import it.It is imported by TP program delivered in SAP Kernel.
Transport must be released in source system,check it in source system from SE01.
Add transport request to the buffer:
Execute below commands from OS level after giving input in command.
tp addtobuffer <TRANSPORT NO> <SID> pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/<TRANSPORT PROFILE NAME> <Unconditional Mode Option>
Import Transport request:
Execute below commands from OS level after giving input in command.
tp import <TRANSPORT NO> <SID> pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/<TRANSPORT PROFILE NAME> <Unconditional Mode Option>
Below example will clear all doubts,Here we are applying DEVK000112 in QAS system.
Transport No # DEVK000112
tp addtobuffer DEVK000112 QAS pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_QAS.PFL u18
tp import DEVK000112 QAS pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_QAS.PFL u18
Here at the end i put u18.
What does U18 means:
U represents Unconditional mode that will be used while importing transport. Here is the explanation of different option that can be used:
1: Ignore that this change request was already imported into this system and import everything again.
If you do not set this mode, only objects that have not already been imported successfully are imported again.
2: Overwrite originals
6: Overwrite repaired objects
8: Ignore the restriction resulting from table classifications and import all table entries into specified clients