SAP Test Data Migration Server (SAP TDMS) is a high-speed data tool that transfers business data from your SAP production system to your development, test, quality training system.
By enabling the transfer of just the relevant set of application data from the SAP production system, SAP TDMS allows you to create a lean and consistent non-production system.
Recommended system settings for TDMS
Refer to OSS Note 890797 for the recommended settings for Control / Central / Sender / Receiver systems.
Some of the required system settings are given below:
Central system:
Dialog work processes – 15 (minimum 6)
Background work processes – 10 (minimum 8)
Profile parameters: rec/client=off, rdisp/max_wprun_time=900 (s)
DB settings – logging switched off (NOARCHIVELOGMODE)
System change options (SCC4) – Allowed changes to repository and Cross-client customizing
Sender system:
Dialog work processes – 15 (minimum 10)
Background work processes – 10 (minimum 8)
Profile parameters: rdisp/max_wprun_time=1800 (s)
Receiver system:
Dialog work processes – 15 (minimum 10)
Background work processes – 10 (minimum 8)
Profile parameters: rdisp/max_wprun_time=1800 (s)
DB settings – logging switched off (NOARCHIVELOGMODE)
UNDO tablespace ~2% of estimated data transfer, UNDO RETENTION TIME set appropriately (lowered)
Make sure to set the Database in NOARCHLOG mode for Central & Receiver Systems before starting the copy.
The Database will be unmounted and remounted during the archivelog mode change.
Also, please make sure you have adequate freespace available in DB of the Receiver system.
Also, keep an eye on filesystem /usr/sap/