SE06 System Change Option
SE06 is used for 2 purpose:
1>SE06 post installation actions for transport Organizer,It has been already explained in my separate article
Please Read: SE06 Post Installation TMS Configuration
2> Another important use of SE06 is for System change option:
SE06 is used to modify the system objects across the Client ,Setting from SE06 will be applicable to all the client while setting from SCC4 is limited to particular client where we made changes in SCC4
When SE06 System change system option is required over SCC4
I have explained earlier : How to Open Client to change client specific Modification.
Please Read: How to Open Client in Sap
SCC4 is used only for Client Specific changes,Suppose You need to change some Cross Client Specific Objects .Open client in SCC4 is sufficient ? No.
Sometimes for changing cross client specific objects from Namespace you need some higher level of system change approval options and that can be done from SE06.
In simple words: Suppose you are getting issue from user that System is not modifiable to modify some objects and you checked and found System is open in SCC4 so what next ?
Proceed as mentioned below:Open system from SE06
Goto SE06 –> System Change Option –> Global Setting (Modifiable) (For Non Production System)
From Namespace.Number Range ,you can set objects to Modifiable manually also.
You can use below options as per your need.
In Development system:
SW components and Namespaces should be in modifiable status. By default for software components like SAP_BASIS, SAP_ABA.SAP_BW,PI_BASIS and other basic components should be set to ‘restricted modifiable’.
Changes to repository & cross client objects are possible only when the above components & namespaces are set to modifiable. moreover, the client should be open for customization (SCC4).
In Production System:
SCC4 Client should be closed and SE06 –>System Change Option –> Global Setting should be NON Modifiable.