Unlock sap* and ddic from OS level database
When we don’t have any user to login into SAP ABAP level to unlock sap* and ddic user ,Mostly it requires in client 000 as it is supported by SAP BASIS Team . In this case we can unlock sap* or ddic user from OS level / Databse / Sql Level
Unlock DDIC User from OS Level / database /SQL /Oracle level:
Login into Sqlplus:
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select MANDT, BNAME, UFLAG from <schema Name>.USR02 where MANDT=<Client No> and BNAME=’DDIC’;
— ———— ———-
600 DDIC 64
UFLAG : 64 means ,DDIC user is lock.
BNAME = User Name
MANDT = Client No
SQL> update SAPSR3.USR02 set UFLAG=0 where BNAME=’DDIC’ and MANDT=600;
Here SAPSR3 is schema name and 600 is client no
Unlock Sap* User from OS Level / Database /SQL /Oracle level:
SQL> select MANDT, BNAME, UFLAG from <schema Name>.USR02 where MANDT=<Client No> and BNAME=’SAP*’;
— ———— ———-
600 DDIC 64
UFLAG : 64 means ,SAP* user is lock.
BNAME = User Name
MANDT = Client No
SQL> update SAPSR3.USR02 set UFLAG=0 where BNAME=’SAP*’ and MANDT=600;
Here SAPSR3 is schema name and 600 is client no.