Today when i was working on post oracel 12C upgrade steps ,I got below error in starting database from sidadm user.I am sharing error with solution if it helps for you.
I was getting below error related to Local_Listener.
SQL> startup;
ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter LOCAL_LISTENER
ORA-00132: syntax error or unresolved network name ‘LISTENER_SID’
During a database upgrade, the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) defines a TNS alias entry ‘LISTENER_<SID>’ in the local tnsnames.ora file and sets the parameter LOCAL_LISTENER=”LISTENER_<SID>’.
This means that the tnsnames alias was not defined in the tnsnames.ora of the environment of the user who starts the instance in our case it is sidadm.
Please follow below steps ,it’ll fix it.
- Login as orasid user- from orasid user and bring Database up.
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Aug 26 08:00:39 2016
- Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6442450944 bytes
Fixed Size 3012360 bytes
Variable Size 1140852984 bytes
Database Buffers 5284823040 bytes
Redo Buffers 13762560 bytes
Database mounted.
Database opened. - Execute Below SQL Query from orasid user only—SQL> ALTER SYSTEM set LOCAL_LISTENER=”(address=(protocol=TCP)(host=v046)(port=1521))” SCOPE=BOTH;
- Bring database up from SIDADM user.
It will fix the error and Database will come up.