How to Create OSS ID / S-User ID / Service Market Place ID:
All three OSS ID/S-User ID/Service Market Place ID are same ,We need to have OSS ID for performing any OSS activity. E.G. For SAP note search,For Download Patches,For raising SAP message and For Opening OSS connection with SAP.All these activities can’t be done without having OSS ID.
Below article covers how we can create NEW OSS ID.These steps should be done from your team-mates who has valid S-User ID.
- To Create a S-User Id, Go to SAP service market place(
- Login with your S-User ID and Password.
- Goto ->SAP Support Portal –> Users & Authorization -> User Management -(check the below screenshot)
- Go to –>Request User at the bottom of the screen (New winodw will open after Clicking on User Management)
- `Provide the First Name, Last Name,Location,Phone Number, Email Address of the user and click on submit.
- Once user is created ,Go to Authorization tab and select which all roles we need to provide to User and submit.We can copy roles and authorization from reference user too.
Pingback: How to search and download SAP Notes from SAP Marketplace
Where can I see the password? Thanks
You’ll get password reset link your registered email get where you’ll get link to reset..
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