SPUMG in Unicode Conversion

What is SPUMG SPUMG is very important tool used in Non unicode to Unicode conversion.It is standrad Tcode provided by SAP based upon our SAP release. SPUMG is used in Preconversion Phase: Preconversion phase means,before doing actual unicode conversion,We need to complete many presteps or we can say we need to prepare our system for Unicode Conversion so mostly preconversion presteps are covered bt SPUMG Tcode. How to Use SPUMG: SPUMG is used to prepare the database tables of a non-Unicode system for conversion phase (R3load). Its results are stored in the Export Control Table and the Language List. Goto ……


SAP SYSTEM MONITORING TCODES In this article,I am going to cover SAP SYSTEM MONITORING Tcodes , For any Basis Admin, daily sap system monitoring check is essential task.We daily do health check of our production sap system. SAP daily system monitoring helps in two way- Preventive Health check– This health check helps to prevent issue that may happen in near future. e.g. suppose in our daily SAP System monitoring,we catch our database size is 99 % full that means anytime in future DB size will be full and it’ll lead production outage. Regular health check– This is regular health check which ……

How to Create OSS ID / S-User ID / Service Market Place ID

How to Create OSS ID / S-User ID / Service Market Place ID: All three OSS ID/S-User ID/Service Market Place ID are same ,We need to have OSS ID for performing any OSS activity. E.G. For SAP note search,For Download Patches,For raising SAP message and For Opening OSS connection with SAP.All these activities can’t be done without having OSS ID. Below article covers how we can create NEW OSS ID.These steps should be done from your team-mates who has valid S-User ID. To Create a S-User Id, Go to SAP service market place(service.sap.com). Login with your S-User ID and Password. Goto ……

Download Software Update Manager SUM

How to Download Software Update Manager SUM Tool Open Service market Place –  http://service.sap.com Then navigate to SAP Support Portal >>Download Software ,It will ask Service Market Place user ID and password. After successful authentication it’ll redirect to below page : Navigate as below to reach Software Update Manager SUM latest SAR  file. From (A-Z index ) select S then SL TOOlSET Select  SL TOOLSET >> SL TOOLSET 1.0 >>ENTRY BY COMPONENT >>SOFTWARE UPDATE MANAGER (SUM) >> SOFTWARE UPDATE MANAGER 1.0 Download above SAR File and proceed as below article . Software Update Manager Tool (SUM)

How to Start/Launch Software Update Manager Tool (SUM) | INTRODUCTION SUM

Software Update Manager Tool (SUM): This article covers : What is Software Update Manager Tool (SUM): How to Launch / Start  Software Update Manager Tool (SUM): What is Software Update Manager Tool (SUM): Software Update Manager Tool (SUM) is Upgrade tool which is used for all kind of Upgrade,Patching,Migration,Conversion activities. Previously we used SPAM for ABAP Patch upgrade and JSPM for JAVA Patch upgrade and EHPI installer for EHP upgrade.Now SAP , Replaced all tools with SINGLE Tool – SUM . With help of SUM we can do ABAP Support Pack Upgrade, Java Support Pack Upgrade,EHP upgrade,Version upgrade,Unicode migration,S4 Hana migration. ……

Diagnostic Agents (SMD) Agent Administrator :

  Diagnostic Agents (SMD) Agent Administrator : This tutorial covers below points: 1> What is SMD Agent Administrator 2> How we can open Diagnostic Agents (SMD) Agent Administrator console. 3> Which all things can be done from Diagnostic Agents (SMD)  Agent Administrator console.   How to launch/Start Diagnostic Agents (SMD) Agent Administrator console-  There are 2 way to open Diagnostic Agents (SMD) Agent Administrator console. 1> Direct Through URL-  <HOSTNAME>:80<system no>//smd/AgentAdmin 2> Though Solution Manager- Go to Tcode Solman_Workcenter >>Solution Manager Administrator >>Infrastructure >>Agent Framework Agent Administrator manages Diagnostic Agents of managed systems.It provides following functionality : Agent Tab Page- STOP/START/RESTART all the ……

Solution Manager Diagnostic Agents (SMD)

Solution Manager Diagnostic Agents (SMD) In this tutorial ,i am covering What is Diagnostic Agents (SMD) ? Why It is important for Solution Manger- From the name of SMD ,It’s is clear that Diagnostic Agents (SMD) is used for End to End Diagnostics of Solution Manager. We need to install SMD agent in all the managed systems along with Solution Manager which all we want to be monitored by Solution Manager. Diagnostic Agent provides following functionality to Solution Manager: Root Cause Analysis- Solution Manger provides functionality for RCA of managed systems,For RCA it requires data from Diagnostic Agents (SMD) of Managed systems. Willy ……

How to Lock and Unlock SAP TCODE

How to Lock/Unlock SAP TCODE: Sometimes ,there is a requirement to lock some tocode sothat user can’t access that particular tcode. It is possible in SAP and i expain how we can achive it. Go to Tcode: SM01 Enter the tocode which we want to lock/unlock at the bottom of the screen and press enter or Click lock/Unlock screen. We are done now.

How to run performance and SQL Trace

 GENERATION OF PERFORMANCE/SQL TRACE. Why Performance/SQL Trace? Whenever we have any performance issue ,there is a need to run performace stace Certain times there may be a request to run an SQL TRACE for a particular job.,This request generally come when a particular job is taking more time then expected. What is SQL trace ABAP uses OPEN SQL statement to capture information which then is converted in native SQL which is understood by the database. This transition takes place in the database interface of the work process. So basically SQL trace captures the information of about how the open SQL ……