HOW to Launch NEW SUM Tool SP 14,15,16 and 17 patch for doing Upgrade/Patching

Process for launching SUM tool has been changed from SUM Tool patch 14 ,Previolsy SUM tool was launched with http://<hostname >:4239 till SUM SPS 13.

With the new SUM, there is a new method of starting up the SAP Software Update Manager (SUM) tool.


·         Download the latest SUM and extract it using the SAPCAR.(Latest SUM  SPS patch 17 patch is available now)

·         Latest SAP Host Agent in your operating system should be installed.


In new SUM tool ,port has been changed from 4239 to 1129 (https)& 1128(http) and It has been intregrated with SAP Host agent.

Please follow below steps for laucnching SUM in 14,15,16,17 Patch.

Step 1 : We need to register SAP Host agent with SUM

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM

./STARTUP confighostagent <SID>

Step 2: Restart the SAP Host Agent using the following  commands:

cd /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM

<HOSTAGENT directory>/exe/saphostexec -restart

Step 3: Open a web browser window and in the address bar, enter the following URL:

https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/sumabap/<SID>/doc/sluigui  {FOR SSL if it is configured}

OR , If the SSL has not been configured, use http instead of https at the beginning of the URL and use port 1128:


Step 4 :In the dialog box that appears, enter the user name <sid>adm and the password.

Launch from Web browser


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